"SO TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT!" Is what I woke up to the first day of February break. I groaned and covered my head with my pillow. "IF YOU WANNA BE MY LOVER, YOU GOTTA GET WITH MY FRIENDS!" Argggggg. I hate the spice girls. The music didn't stop so I got up out from my bed and shuffled over to the kitchen in my muffin slippers. There I found Pony, Brook all rocking out singing with the radio using spoons as microphones. Dawn was Banging his head against the table saying "Just kill me now." Oh dawn Anyways I gave them the death glare. "Hey Johnny!" Brook said smiling. "Its like 9 why are you up?" Dawn said. "Yeah it's February break!" Pony said cheerfully. Just as I was about to go all crazy pysco maniac on them I heard this on the radio: "Are you a male who loves Britney Spears? How about Hilary Duff? You wanna see them in concert. together. in Toronto Ontario. Well here's your chance! Come dressed up as your favorite diva, Brit or Hilary! And you can win an all expenses paid trip to see them." That changed my 'i hate all of you' mood into my 'i'm the happiest person in the whole freaking universe' mood. Me and pony freaked out and jumped around the kitchen like we had just won a million dollars. And that folks is how our adventure began
So after me and pony decided to go to the concert we both went to pack. How many muffins can you fit in a suitcase? Exactly 22...scratch that 21. I got hungry. After I was done packing I saw dawn in the kicthen watching tv. I walked into the living room and brook and pony were all over each other making out rolling on the floor. I quickly walked out. "AHHHHH! MY EYES!" I said rubbing my eyes trying to forget what I had just seen. Dawn heard me and said "Oh I forgot to warn you, they are attacking each others faces in there." Just a bit late dawn don't you think? I'm still grossed out my the fact my best friend is dating my sister. Blehhhh.
After that whole horrible fiasco Angela came over to say goodbye to me. "Im gonna miss you." Angela said wrapping her arms around my neck "Yeah I'm gonna miss you too." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. Then I said, "So if Hilary duff and I hooked up you wouldn't mind right?" She gave me the 'You didn't just say that' look. I was just kidding but I don't think she took it that way. Just as she was about to yell at me I pulled her into a long deep kiss. I pulled away grinned "I love you Lah." She smiled "I love you too JohnnyAppleseed."
Finally me and pony were on the road. I didn't wanna die so I didn't let pony drive. After a couple hours of Hilary /Brittany Trivia and endless sing alongs we heard on the radio that there was a contest. It was a look alike contest. You had to dress up as Hilary duff and Brittany spears. The 1st prize was tickets on the floor for the concert. This is going to be interesting.
We went shopping for clothes, wings, makeup, and heels for the contest. We didn't know anything about being girls so it took us a while. Finally we were done shopping and changed into our costumes and drove to the contest. When we got there hundreds of people showed up. I stepped out of the car in heels and fell flat on my face. Pony laughed until he steeped out and fell flat on his face too. This was going to be harder than we thought. When It came for judging time me and pony struck a diva pose. Some dude whistled....creepy. Anyways the judges walked passed us and I think they were pretty impressed. Then it was time to announce the winners. They brought us and two other guys...At least I hope they were guys up on stage. They told us four that one team was the winner.

The announcer said "and first place goes to.......Jake And Paul!" Everyone clapped but both me and ponys hearts dropped. We got second place though at least....They gave us Tickets to the Wiggles Concert -.-
Me and Pony changed out of our costumes and washed the makeup off our faces. We were pretty disappointed.
"I told you we should have got higher heels! And heavier makeup! And clothes that didn't cover your belly button! Now how are we gonna get tickets?!" pony said.
"Pony pull yourself together! There's still time before the concert to get tickets. in the mean time let's go to the wiggles concert. I mean why let the tickets go to waste?"
Pony grinned "Yeah good idea! Then I could get my mash potato and my fruit salad on!"
I just looked at him weird. "Ok pony you do that."
-Taco Taco Taco Taco Nom Nom Nom-
Johnny like food. So johnny and pony entered taco eating contest.They ended up winning a lot of taco bucks against a lot fat people. (im too tired to write in first person so im writing in third person) It was amazing. Except when people started puking.
The wiggles concert wasn't that bad actually. The wiggles had catchy songs Pony and I sang and danced along with them. At one point we found this little kid who was lost. He said he couldn't find his mommy and he was crying. We decided we should take him to security. I picked the little boy up and pony found where security was. When got there Pony froze and his jaw dropped. Standing there was Britney Spears. She ran up to me and took the little boy out of my hands.
"You found him! OMG Thank you so much!" Brit said. Pony was still in shock. "Your welcome." I said keeping my cool. She brought me and pony into a group hug. "What could i do to thank you?!" She pulled out of the hug but pony wouldn't let go. I had a smirk on my face. "I have one way.....Could you spare 2 tickets to your concert?" I said.
"Of course!" Brittany said smiling.
After that she handed us tickets and backstage. They were first row! She said she had to go and pony was still holding on to her so I had to pry him away from her. Then we said bye and thanks.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
To be.
To be who?
To Be continued (: