So it was jellys b-day the other day and i got her this promise ring. I took her out before i took her back for the surprise pary. We went to the park and sat on a bench. I had aready given her roses but i told her that wasnt her gift. So i pulled out this awesomly shiney ring that I picked out. I got me a matching one but a different version of it. So i told her as long as we are wearing these rings we will never cheat or hurt eachother. She was really touched, but i had more. I said "I love you Jelly" which i had never said before. I was really nervous she wouldnt say it back, but she enough she said "I love you to Johnny". Then we kissed. Then went to the surprise party. I was all smiles the rest of the night. Im not gonna post bout the party, cause i figure someone else wants to. Johnny Cade